COVID-19 Policy
We are proud to continue to offer therapy services to our new and current patients.
Current Clinic Policies in Response to COVID-19
Our waiting room will remain closed. Therapists will meet parents at the door or at their vehicle to escort the child into the clinic for therapy. If a parent wishes to participate in the session, they are always welcome but are required to wear a mask when in the clinic.
Masks are not required of children; all therapists and staff will wear a face mask and/or face shield when in the clinic.
We are screening every person who enters our building for any COVID exposure and/or symptoms. This includes a verbal screener and a temperature check for staff, patients and caregivers.
All patients and therapists are required to wash or sanitize their hands at the start and end of every session.
CLDC performs a thorough cleaning and sanitizing of touched surfaces and toys/equipment following every appointment. Sessions may end a few minutes early to allow for disinfecting and sanitizing between sessions.